PinkMoon Presale

Note: Only whitelisted addresses can participate in the presale. Hard cap is 100.00 BNB. Min/Max per wallet is 1.00 BNB. Presale Price: 1.00 BNB = 4,500,000,000,000 PINKM. We recommend to use GWEI: 20, GAS 150,000.

Whitelisted addresses will have 1 hours to participate in the presale. If you don't send bnb before the end time, yours whitelist will be transfered to another.

Presale Contract Address: 0x2DFdf22Bb64B2944cBb4b7d9ede903F77d789Bd7

Token Address: 0xb6090a50f66046E3c6aFB9311846a6432E45060A